Debra Emerson

Acorn Awakenings

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” Robert Frost


As the acorn organically becomes an oak tree,  people can align with their lives’ natural rhythms and joyous expression. 

As spiritual beings in a physical body connected to all things,  we are also one-of-a-kind, much like the sea slug. The sea slug? 

The sea slug appears in her first Acorn Book and says it well:

“I am merely me,I said matter-of-fact-ally. 
I do what I do so satisfactorily.
Only be and what to do comes naturally.

How do we simply be? How do we stay true to ourselves?
And how do we stay connected to our joy?
This is our journey.

Acorn Books

a series for balance, well-being, and joy for children and for the adults who love them

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from The Sea Slug

"Slug is my name, and I live in the sea.
I have a story to tell.
Please listen to me."

A unique creature tells his delightful tale with notes for
adults and activities with children.

Illustrated by Grace Talbot.

Stay tuned for the audio read by the author.

Available at these retailers:

"When are the next books going to be here? My sister loves this for herself and my niece keeps asking me about more." Victoria M.

“I read to my boys every night and this is a favorite. You take the spiritual and make it practical and accessible.” Stephanie Kramer

“I really liked the theme of your book. It's a theme for all ages. Sometimes we forget, especially as we get older, that we have the potential to do anything.” Patty O'Reilly

Mr. Slug has been traveling around England and made his debut as a jigsaw puzzle that was featured in an issue of Vanity Fair!” Grace Talbot, illustrator

Very Dr. Seuss! Leah B.

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from​​​​​ The Little Ripple

"What we think and what we do,
ripples out and waves; it's true..."

A simple text with a great truth
about kindness and the power to effect positive change
with notes for adults and activities with children.

Basic quantum physics meets collective consciousness.

Available at these retailers:

"You go deep fast!" Kirk Andrews with son referring to the companion.

"I love it! It’s wonderful encouragement for children and it’s food for thought for adults who care to contemplate the oneness of the human energy field, if not the oneness of the whole universe." ~Peg Morris

"You should be famous for that!" middle school students after hearing the children's text.

Coming soon...

More books for children and for the adults who love well as adult books for insight and inspiration.


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    New Project (1)

    Sign up for the occasional newsletter and receive a list of key resources for balance, well-being, and joy with helpful hyperlinks. 

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      Read the latest blog post from the Acorn Cottage.


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      Debra Emerson resides in the Hudson Valley, New York. She holds a Masters degree in Education and English and has taught school for over three decades. A lover of nature, people, life, and making the world a better place, her work addresses what is authentic, relevant, and real for us as human beings.

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      Debra Emerson resides in the Hudson Valley, New York. She holds a Masters degree in Education and English and has taught school for over three decades. A lover of nature, people, life, and making the world a better place, her work addresses what is authentic, relevant, and real for us as human beings.

      Debra also has a four-year Master Energy Healing Certificate from the Healix Institute and has taught part-time for over twenty years. Her coaching and classes encompass the connection between mind/emotions, body, environment, and spirit and employ a variety of modalities that she has used to help both herself and others. It is her great honor to serve in this way. This experience coupled with her years as a school teacher inspires and informs her writing.

      Why Acorn Books? One day, she was writing something that all of a sudden felt too big for her and that she wasn’t up to it. She was in the middle of a writer’s block when she realized: Don’t try to write. Be like the acorn. It doesn’t try to be an oak tree. Just relax and let life grow through you. And so the acorn has become a symbol of simply being, of strength, and of peace.


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