
The Lioness

Present and Presence~~~   I am the lioness Sinewy and steadily I make my way Along the woods line On my left Aware Alert I cross the field To my right Stride down the hill And across the narrow stream My paws refreshed Up to my shelter Greeted by my cubs We lie together beneath

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A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers.

A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers. 02/23/2023 At my sister’s on Christmas Day we started talking about American singer-songwriter John Denver. Seeing him in concert years ago inspired by brother-in-love to get a 12-string acoustic guitar and start playing and singing. Naturally, John Denver songs are among his favorites and

A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers. Read More »

My Geraniums

Late fall before the first frost, I take my potted geranium plants into the basement to hibernate for the winter. I put them on a shelf that is next to a west-facing window. Then I cease from watering or taking care of them in any way until spring.  When the weather warms up, I clean

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Spring Scene

I am on a stay-cation this week and a spring cleaning is feeling just right. Lots of greens to eat, a castor oil pack, and sea salt baths. Time to walk outside every day and breathe in fresh air and absorb vitamin D, very necessary after a long, cold, snowy winter. Opening the windows in

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