
A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers.

A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers. 02/23/2023 At my sister’s on Christmas Day we started talking about American singer-songwriter John Denver. Seeing him in concert years ago inspired by brother-in-love to get a 12-string acoustic guitar and start playing and singing. Naturally, John Denver songs are among his favorites and […]

A Rhyme and a Reason: For the children and the flowers. Read More »

The Power to Effect Change: How we can create big changes using simple shifts.

With so much mayhem in 2020, so many of us are feeling helpless and hopeless. So much feels out of our control. While we embrace the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference, I am here to tell you

The Power to Effect Change: How we can create big changes using simple shifts. Read More »

Minneapolis Mirror: Being the change we wish to see.

Outcries for justice and enough already pervade the psyche of the nation and the world. The word “racism” seems to have become a trigger word for people of all races, those who have historically been a target of racial biases, those who have been bystanders as well as upstanders, and even those who may perpetuate

Minneapolis Mirror: Being the change we wish to see. Read More »