I drive a short distance in the mornings to a charming 1760 inn that is now a restaurant and events venue. I leave the car at the back of the ample parking area, empty at that time of day, to enjoy walking the country roads in the vicinity.
As I start out on my stroll, I pass a quaint yellow house circa the same time period. A large garden with rows of flowers and vegetables line the side yard. And I always admire the giant zinnias when in bloom in front of the house. The abundant display dances along a stretch of stonewall that is just a little lower in height than the multi-colored beauties.
I smile and think how wonderful it would be to have these on one’s property and be able to cut some on a regular basis to bring into the house. I am a fan of flowers and these are just so happy.
Meet the neighbors.
The zinnias have a mom and a dad. I meet the young couple while they are working out front one day. I forget their names now as this recollection is set a few years ago, but I remember they told me how they were to be married later that summer.
I tell them how I admire their flowers and how they start my walks off in a joyous way.
“Help yourself to the flowers!” the young man instantly says. “I just toss seeds there in the spring. Take as many as you like. I can cut some for you now and leave them on the wall for when you come back after your walk.”
“Yes,” echoes his wife-to-be. “We have plenty to share. Enjoy them!”
I thanked the lovely couple. Thinking that the flowers might be wilting by the time I returned, I said I would cut some after my walk while they indicated the pruning scissors resting on the wall.
I was amazed. Awestruck really.
I admired the flowers, desired the flowers, and was given the flowers.
Is it really as simple as that?
Quantum physics.
Everything is energy and in the quantum field like attracts like. The power of positive thinking coupled with the power of positive vibing is the key to manifestation. When we are in the space of ease and joy, we are allowing the object of our focus to appear.
The Soundtracks of Our Lives
It’s the every-day-ness of our thinking that creates the grooves in the soundtracks of our lives. And it’s our hearts’ resonance that makes that soundtrack play.
Maybe that’s how the phrase your heart’s desire means.
Now most of us are largely unaware of what is playing in the background in the Muzak of our lives. Is it aligned with the heart’s desire?
Swiss analytical psychologist Carl Jung expressed this concept well.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Destiny lies in aligning our heart or inner state with our desire or focus.
It is as simple as all that.
Life is good.
Help yourself to the flowers.
And share some if so inclined. There’s plenty of goodness to go around.
Read on Medium.
article photo: Gary Yost on Unsplash