Debra Emerson

Acorn Awakenings

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” Robert Frost

One More for the Earth

Each year around this time in honor of Earth Day, I consider what one thing can I add to my reduce/re-use/recycle regimen. I don’t stress myself out doing everything, but I can do something. 

This year I decided I could take two bags with me when I do periodic litter pick up on a road near my house as well as on a road where I walk the most often. I’ve always carried one bag and patted myself on the back for how beautiful my litter-free adoptees appear when I am done. And I swear I feel the earth smile back at me. 

But I can do better. I can put the recyclable litter in one bag and get that to the recycling bin and put the rest in the other bag for the trash. Of course, this is more environmentally effective. And simple.

What simple something can you add to your regimen? Taking small consistent steps, we can journey far over time.

Some of my past and ongoing endeavors include re-using envelopes that mail comes in, mostly bills, for lists and scrap paper and then recycling those. Speaking of mail, my postal carrier said I receive the least mail of anyone on his route! 

I’m proud of that as it took a bit of effort to reduce the junk mail. First, I called all the phone numbers associated with catalogs and magazines I did not need. I learned that when you order from a company or open a credit card or have a loan, your information is shared with affiliates unless you opt out. That’s backwards, I feel. I think we should have to opt in for a service, but that’s another blog topic so moving on. Second, I learned to call the opt out number when the privacy statement arrives or to ask up front if I am ordering over the phone to not share my details. This keeps my mail to the essentials, and I can always go online to catalogs or companies if need be.

I am also quite the bag lady with many re-usable ones in my car as well as a little lightweight one I keep in my purse for when I’m out and about without my trunk full of bags. At the same time, I am known as the bag-less lady as I carry items out instead of even putting them in bags, particularly when they are large. I just carry my receipt in my hand in case it looks like I’m hijacking the store, and they can see me with my proof of purchase.

Being a green gal, my house is chemical-free, the way to be, I like to say, and the lawn and garden too, healthy for the environment and for the people in the environment.

What is your simple something that supports the well-being of our environment and our lives?