We know we are currently in crisis mode with cataclysmic repercussions on all aspects of our existence. This sounds serious, and it is. But let’s look through the lens of random chaos to the opportunity such a crisis affords.
Enter the field of physics and the work of Dr. Valerie Hunt, a scientist in the field of bioenergy who worked at UCLA. In a cohesive system, bonds are stable and it would take great effort to effect change. In a system that is not cohesive, however, bonds are not stable and all it takes to effect change is a little nudge.
This scientific principle never ceases to amaze me. Our current chaos is our opportunity to take disarray and rearrange. Trying times, yes, but we can turn breakdowns into breakthroughs. The poet Rumi said it well: The wound is the place where the light enters you.
The following 5 rearrangements AKA breakthroughs come to mind:
1. Personal-care
2. Family-care
3. Healthcare
4. Economy-care
5. Earth-care
Personally, we can slow down and have a look. How are we living our lives? What serves? What no longer serves? What do we need to add to our days so we have more balance and joy? For me, I am adding a little more quiet time and a lot more writing.
Family-wise, we can really connect again. Being cooped up together, there’s no choice. Hopefully, we will realize what we have been missing in our “normal” run-around-day-to-day. And conflict is normal but how we resolve that conflict can connect us more deeply as we can’t run away and we can’t annihilate the enemy. How we resolve family conflict translates to how we can resolve local, national, and global conflicts. How we take care of each other as well as celebrate and enjoy each other’s differences and contributions translates too. The family is the microcosm of the macrocosm. It all starts at home and ripples out to the far reaches of the planet.
With regard to healthcare, can we finally agree that all people should have equal access to quality care? If the virus hasn’t driven this home, I don’t know what will. Every person’s health affects the wellness of every other. In addition, wellness-care is paramount. May the emphasis on boosting immunity and proper hygiene continue long after this pandemic peters out.
Economically, it’s not just those who make the most money or who are in certain jobs that matter. I have loved the commercials and posts on social media referencing the truck drivers and the grocery store clerks, for example, along with the healthcare workers as heroes. And they are. I am reminded of Plato’s idea of a just society: everyone in just the right place. That is, we need everyone to do his or her part. No one is greater than or lesser than. We all need each other, and we are all worthy of respect and value. I’d like to see us appreciate one another more. All the time.
It’s no coincidence to me that the earth is taking a deep breath by taking our breath away both by the shock of the disruption in lifestyle and by the virus itself. With less pollution, we see vast improvements around the globe in a very short time. We can and must do better environmentally. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Think locally, act globally. And repeat. For keeps.
It takes friction to make a spark. While we’re all certainly feeling the friction, we have also been seeing the light coming through. I am nudging us all to realize our very important part in this planetary revolution by making small long-term changes that serve ourselves, our families, and the greater good.
Read also on Elephant Journal, a top 10 weekly winner.
article photo: Mari Lezhava on Unsplash