I was at yoga class this morning. I love my yoga classes. There are many styles of yoga. I go for the gentle stretch and flow classes where we also hold positions to really get into the stretching and strengthening and balancing.
Today I observed that in the midst of being one with my breath and my body and my mind, I turned my head around to look at the clock perched high up on the back wall.
Really? I am practicing presence and I vacate the premises mentally to think about the errands to do after class and projects awaiting me at home including this blog post that I have put off because I wasn’t sure what I felt to write. But today after yoga class, I knew.
And what I knew was nothing earth-shattering but simple reminders.
First reminder. Our culture focuses so much on doing that being gets a back seat. Look at your day. Where do you take time to just be? Even if it’s a few moments here and there like a cup of tea with a friend with no set agenda, just being together. I mention that one because I have a friend stopping by in a bit for tea, and I am looking forward to that.
Next reminder. I am worthy. Each of us is worthy. Of taking time for what we enjoy. Of taking time for what we need. Of all good things.
Last reminder. We are so used to taking care of other people and other things that we tend to put ourselves on the back burner or we just get distracted. To practice better self-care, I took one of the calendars that I receive annually from environmental groups, the larger wall calendar with a pretty nature picture on top and a box for each day below. I am currently using one from Audubon, so I am looking at lovely birds. I fly free and take care of me, I affirm.
I know. I can be corny. I prefer childlike over corny. It helps me focus and remember while making it as a game. Fun.
Now I don’t hang the calendar on the wall actually, though you could, and I log in the box for each date. My goal is to log daily exercise whether it is cardio or weight training or yoga or a combination of these. I also love to walk and log the miles. It’s both motivational and a simple reminder. Today I just logged “yoga.” Some days I log more. It’s OK, I tell myself, as long as I log something every day.
What are your goals? Maybe keeping a log like my calendar would help. Whatever your goal for growth, feed it with your attention. What you feed grows.
Wishing you a good growing season.
Happy springtime.