Debra Emerson

Acorn Awakenings

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” Robert Frost

Small Kindnesses

Little Shifts for Big Results~~~

A student had arrived in my high school classroom in a mood. After addressing the class as to the assignment for that day, I noticed this student with her head down on her desk.

I walked over and whispered to her, “Do you feel OK? Do you need to go to the nurse?”

Her head moved from side to side. No.

“Do you need to go to guidance?” I queried next.

Again, I watched the back of her head as she moved it from side to side.

“Can I help you with anything?”

Once more I got the side to side head nod. Another no.

“Well, in that case take another minute,” I continued, “and then I need you to sit up and start the classwork.”


Mission Possible

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know something was upsetting her. I went back to my desk and sifted through my book bag to locate a package of heart stickers I had purchased for upcoming Valentine’s Day. Though intended for younger children I also work with, this was all I had and I was going with it. I took out the scissors from my desk drawer and clipped out a row of three red and white hearts.

I walked in her direction checking in on each student as I passed by, deliberately masking my mission. When I arrived at this young lady’s desk, her head still down, I quietly slipped the hearts down next to her and continued on my way.

Back at my desk a few minutes later, I noticed that she was sitting up and fast at work on her Chromebook. I let her be.


For the Win

At the end of the period, I surveyed the class to see if anyone needed more time. This young lady perked right up. “I didn’t finish, but I have a study hall today and I will get it done then!” she cheerily proclaimed.

Heart stickers for the win!

They simply and silently said, I’m here. I see you. I care.

As I tell this story, I remember the words of Mother Teresa:

Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

And it could have gone either way that day, so my small strip of heart stickers, given with great love, felt like no small thing to me. It was a great thing — especially for that student.

Choose kind. Every time.

Read also on Medium.
Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash