I am on a stay-cation this week and a spring cleaning is feeling just right.
Lots of greens to eat, a castor oil pack, and sea salt baths.
Time to walk outside every day and breathe in fresh air and absorb vitamin D, very necessary after a long, cold, snowy winter.
Opening the windows in the house, even if just for a short while.
Sorting out and giving away what no longer serves. Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston is a terrific resource in this department, by the way. Now my house is far from cluttered but it creeps into drawers and closets, the basement and the garage.
What no longer serves?
When we let go, we make way. So I’m letting go of a recent needing-to-rescue-somebody phase. And I’m going to rescue myself, take care of myself. So it’s selfish? No. It’s self-care. And then I can have a better self to share.
What do you need? Give it to yourself! And I’m not talking about stuff, though it could be. I am talking about nurturing self-talk and self-acceptance. I am talking about prioritizing quiet moments for the mind, and healthy habits for the body, and spiritual sustenance for the soul, finding a balance between self-care and everything else.
It’s not a rigid line but shifting with the sands of time, and each season brings a new focus. For me, spring is cleaning out. Summer is letting in, getting out and being social. Fall is harvest time and gratitude. Winter is introspection and a quieter phase.
This corresponds with TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, which I love. My father always used to say, “Those Chinese were smart!” And I agree.
Off to make some green tea now. I’d serve you some if you were here!
Happy spring!
article photo: David Jakab on Pexels