Recently I hiked up a very steep and stepped part of the Appalachian Trail. I had no idea how challenging it would be. Along the way, an experienced hiker hung back from the group with me as I alternated between catching my breath and climbing gingerly.
Occasionally, hikers coming down would pass us.
“How much farther?” I would ask.
“You’re almost there!” they’d chorus.
After a few rounds of these exchanges, I questioned my newfound hiking friend. “Well, how much farther now?”
She clued me in. “You see, it’s hikers’ code to tell you you’re almost there.” She smiled as she went on. “You want to finish to the top. It will be so exhilarating!”
And I did finish to the top! And it was exhilarating!
Publishing a book is a lot like making a challenging climb up an unknown mountain.
I’m almost there!
What path are you climbing?
Well, keep on putting one foot in front of the other.
You’re almost there!
article photo: Felix Mittermeier on Pixabay